First Name
Last Name
Mobile Number
For safeguarding and insurance reasons, we are only able to accept volunteers over the age of 18.
I confirm I am over the age of 18.
Are you happy to be added to Whatsapp group(s) for each working party?
Cosmetic Restoration
Please tick any areas you have experience of previously, or are interested in doing.
Painting (General)
Painting (Specialist such as coachlining, lettering etc)
Interior Design
Cosmetic Restoration Experience
Please describe any experience you may have had in any areas you have ticked above.
Engineering Restoration
Please tick any areas you have experience of previously, or are interested in doing.
Metalwork / Sheetwork
Precision Tool Engineering
Parts Manufacturing
Heavy Lifting
Engineering Restoration Experience
Please describe any experience you may have had in any areas you have ticked above.
Parts Acquisition & Recovery
Please tick any areas you have experience of previously, or are interested in doing.
Online Sources
Approaching breakers / parts suppliers
Parts Acquisition Experience
Please describe any experience you may have had in any areas you have ticked above.
Please tick any areas you have experience of previously, or are interested in doing.
Community Fairs
Trailer / Bookshop at Blackbushe - Wednesday Bikers
Trailer / Bookshop at Blackbushe - Weekend Car Clubs
Event Ideas Development
Events Experience
Please describe any experience you may have had in any areas you have ticked above.
Please tick any areas you have experience of previously, or are interested in doing.
Lottery Funding / Bidwriting
Corporate Sponsorship
Individual Fundraising Initiatives
Fundraising Experience
Please describe any experience you may have had in any areas you have ticked above.
Media / PR
Please tick any areas you have experience of previously, or are interested in doing.
Social Media Management
Graphic Design / Online assets / posters etc
Press Relations
Media / PR Experience
Please describe any experience you may have had in any areas you have ticked above.
Community Engagement
Please tick any areas you have experience of previously, or are interested in doing.
School / Colleges
Men's Sheds
Local History Groups
Scouts / Guides
Community Engagement Experience
Please describe any experience you may have had in any areas you have ticked above.
How much time do you have to spare for the BHT?
Several days a week
One day a week
Several days a month
One day a month
Less than one day a month
Which days of the week are you usually available?
Variable days each week / month
Do you have access to any additional resources (equipment or labour) that could be used by the BHT?
Perhaps you work with groups who may be looking to volunteer. Perhaps you have access to equipment, machinery, or tooling which could be used or borrowed by the BHT? If so, please detail this here.
Anything else?
Accessibility Needs / Requirements
Do you have any disability or mobility issues which might require accomodation to enable you to volunteer?
Emergency Contact
We have a duty of care to anyone who volunteers for us. In case you fall ill or have an accident whilst volunteering, please provide the name of someone we can contact.
First Name
Last Name
Emergency Contact Phone